A Group Exhibition
Please remember to join us for the opening
Thursday, 26 November 2015, 6-8pm
26 November 2015 - 21 January 2016
Dominique Edwards l Rory Emmett l Susan Greenspan l Bonolo Illinois Kavula l Olivié Keck l Namsa Leuba l Troy Makaza l Siwa Mgoboza l Simphiwe Ndzube l Zohra Opoku l Thabo Pitso l David Southwood l Lauren Webber
Commune.1 is very pleased to announce our end-of-year group exhibition, 'But he doesn't have anything on!'. Inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's well known and oft-repeated allegory 'The Emperor's New Clothes', the exhibition brings together contemporary artists who use the visual language of textiles, which have long had a significant influence on South African and African art practice.

64 Wale Street, Cape Town, 8001
021 423 5600
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